Workington Academy are launching a Six Nations Rugby Rewards Scheme over the duration of the Six Nations Rugby Competition – whereby students in years 7-10 will be attempting to score ‘tries’ for themselves, their form group and their house throughout the competition, in order to achieve rewards and prizes and to win the ‘Six Nations Rugby Rewards Cup 2017’ for their form group / house.
Students can score tries in a variety of ways both in and out of lessons:
Students should hand in all tries scored to their form tutor, who will add them to their Form Score Cards.
The final date of the competition will be Friday 17 March. In assemblies w/c 20.03.17 – Rewards will be given out the highest ‘Try Scorers’ in each form group and year group as well as the winning form groups and houses in each year.
At the end of the initiative, all tries scored, will be added to students individual Vivo points totals.
Good luck to all students in Year 7-10!
Happy Try Scoring!