Dear Parent/Carer and Student
As another term draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on some of our achievements and look ahead to some important events.
The Spring term has indeed been busy, dominated by our move into the new building. The facilities that we now have within this dynamic new building offers more space and increased study opportunities. Year 12 have been offered a range of opportunities to consider life after sixth form with a range of university visits available. One lucky student visited Cambridge University for a Philosophy masterclass and a group of 10 students visited the University of Cumbria to participate in the “Discover Primary Teaching” day. We have also been lucky enough to have Professor Greer visit from Cambridge University and provide us with a fascinating talk relating to the research opportunities available to the science students who choose to study there. These events will continue into the summer term and we encourage all year 12 students to involve themselves in these as possible.
Our recent fundraising activities for Comic Relief were very successful, raising £470 for the charity. All students who participated were a credit to the sixth form and deserve commendation. Well done to you all, especially the students who organised and ran the carnival themed stalls for the main school students.
The summer term will soon be upon us and with that also comes exam season. AS exams begin Monday 15 May. In order to support our students during this difficult time I have outlined some of the additional sessions that are available to them below. Your support during this stressful time is key to ensure that students achieve as highly as possible.
During the exam period year 12 students will not participate in their enrichment opportunities on Wednesday afternoons offering additional study time. AS exam results must be declared on any applications made within year 13, this includes university applications, so it is crucial that they reflect the full potential of students.
Please can I also remind students and parents of the importance of punctuality. Changes to the late gate system now effect sixth form students. Any student who is late will be placed into a detention the same day for 30 minutes. Sixth form students must report to the study room initially but can then attend any additional revision/study sessions available.
Although the majority of our students are well presented daily, please can students ensure that they abide by the dress code as set out in the Sixth Form Handbook which was distributed in September, further copies are available from the sixth form office, or alternatively it can be viewed on our website. The handbook states that; “students must wear the Sixth Form uniform comprising of black shoes, smart black skirt or trousers, white shirt and tie or blouse and black jumper or cardigan bearing the school logo. Students set an example for younger students within the academy and with this is mind, facial piercings are not permitted and hair must be of a natural colour.”
There are a range of revision sessions running for a variety of subjects during the Easter break:
Yours sincerely
Andrea McAllister