Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach the end of another busy and successful year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and our students for their hard work, good behaviour and many achievements this year. We have much to celebrate and I encourage everyone to look at our website, Facebook page and Twitter feed, which are full of pictures and articles about the many activities and events we have enjoyed since September.
We moved into our brand new school building in February this year and have enjoyed getting used to our new learning spaces and much-improved facilities. We have welcomed many visitors since then, including children and staff from our partner primary schools, local business leaders, Governors and community members. Our official grand opening will take place early next term, on Tuesday 26 September 2017 and further information will be sent out closer to the time.
We have supported our students through a very busy examination season and we look forward to celebrating their success when they receive their results in August. If your child is due to begin GCSE or 6th Form study, they may have been set independent study tasks to complete over the summer break. Please support them and the school by ensuring that they complete the work they have been set and spend time preparing for their new courses.
Our students continue to wear their school uniform with pride and confidence and it is thanks to an effective home-school partnership that standards remain so high. For students having new piercings carried out during the summer holidays, please note that only one small pair of earrings is permitted and all others will have to be removed when students are in school.
I would like to remind parents and carers that this term ends for students on Friday 21 July at 12.25pm. There are two staff INSET days at the start of next term before we reopen to students on Wednesday 6th September at 8.40am. Next year’s term dates can be found on our website.
I wish you and your family a safe, enjoyable and restful summer break.
Yours sincerely
Colette Macklin
Interim Headteacher