Dear Parents and Carers
This has been a short but incredibly busy half term. Years 11 and 13 students have all completed trial GCSE and post 16 examinations and the countdown to the final examinations has begun. Revision sessions in a number of subjects will take place during the half term holiday. Details of these will be available on the school website. Sixth form students can now breathe a brief sigh of relief as UCAS applications are complete and students are gaining a wide range of offers from an assortment of universities of their choice. Year 11 students are now making their post -16 decisions and Year 9 have begun their GCSE option choices.
A big well done to all students who have shown their resilience in attending school despite the bad weather and often struggling against the numerous bugs and viruses which have plagued us over the last few weeks. It is a fact that students with good attendance – over 95%, make the best progress and have the best life chances. Please ensure that your child’s attendance is at least 95% in the coming term.
As a community, we have ‘gone orange’ in supporting the Muscular Dystrophy charity raising over £200 in a successful cake sale. We will end this half term with more cakes as we support the Taiwan Earthquake Appeal; a plea that is close to our hearts, as a number of our students and staff have visited the affected area during international exchange visits. After half term our four houses will begin preparations for ‘The West Cumbria Wheelie Bin Challenge’, raising money for charity through food collection, Sport Relief and also our now annual Easter Hamper assemblages for local causes. Many thanks for the support from families for these events.
In addition to the ever successful sporting fixtures which have taken place this half term, there have been a number of highly successful sports clubs and inter-form competitions. Please check the website for the most up to date results.
Our SMSC scrapbook has also been added to the school’s website; alongside ‘Thought for the Day’ and e-safety checks. Strong messages and a chance for reflection on how lucky we are have delivered in assemblies and tutor time, focusing on the power of words, this year’s theme for ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’.
We would like to thank you for your support in our requests for a high standard of uniform and adherence to the school policy. Please continue to support us in ensuring there are no ‘skinny’ trousers, false nails or training shoes.
Finally, a polite reminder that school will be closed to students on Monday 19th February 2018, as it is a staff training day. We look forward to welcoming back all students on Tuesday 20th February at 8.35am.
We hope that you all have a pleasant half term.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs R O’Hagan and Mr M Bedford
Heads of School