Home Learning must be relevant, stimulating and extend the learning experience from the classroom. It should always be of the highest quality and be part of a well thought out lesson plan. Home Learning should be extremely varied and develop a wide range of skills, competences and knowledge. It should also be linked to key curriculum milestones such as assessments, controlled assessments, coursework and external examinations.
As a school we want all our students to be independent and enquiring learners and high quality Home Learning is an effective tool to develop these essential qualities in our young people. To ensure outstanding progress is achieved Home Learning may be differentiated to support the needs of different learners. Home Learning does not always have to be a written task, for instance it could be reading from a key text, watching a relevant documentary or production, researching from the internet or revising for a key assessment or examination.
Please find below a copy of the Workington Academy Home Learning policy below: