Dear Parents,
We have accepted an invitation to be involved in an exciting community event on 29 June 2018 called ‘The Wheelie Bin Challenge’. The occasion will be covered in a variety of media outlets and promises to be an exciting and educational venture.
This year’s Wheelie Bin Challenge main sponsor is Morgan Sindall and includes around 200 people supporting eleven superb local charities:
– Foodbank
– Bloodbikes
– Copeland/ Allerdale Citizens Advice
– Give us a Break 2010
– In Chris Memory (Brain Tumour Research)
– Howgill Family Centre
– Special Care Baby Unit
– West Cumbria Carers
– Teenage Cancer Trust
– Kie Skate Park
– Survivors of Bereavement through Suicide (SOBS)
In order to support this event, we will not only be a ‘pit stop’ for the teams and their support groups, but we will collect non-perishable food items to load vans for distribution to local families and individuals in crisis.
Please would you donate items of packaged food which is within the use-by date and send it to school with your child. Such items might include dried food like pasta; tinned products including meats, fruit or vegetables or provisions such as jam, sugar and pasta sauces. UHT milk and fruit juices are acceptable also. No perishable foods please due to storage, distribution and health considerations.
Your child should bring their donation of food to the library by 28 June 2018. If preferable a small donation of money can be handed to your child’s Head of House and we will use it to bulk purchase items.
You can follow developments of the event on the Wheelie Bin Challenge Facebook page. Thank you very much for your anticipated support of this community event. Any queries should be directed to me, on 01900 873926.
Yours sincerely,
G.K. Creighton
Assistant Headteacher