Dear Parent/Carer
We are delighted that this year we are able to offer an additional support day for all Year 11 students focusing on revision and exam preparation. We will be taking the whole year group to Carlisle Racecourse on Thursday 8th November for a revision day. Students will have the opportunity to learn from a variety of different workshops on how and what to revise for their internal and final examinations. All Year 11 students from within Cumbria Education Trust schools will attend the day together. There will be a motivational speaker followed by English, Maths and general revision workshops.
Students will travel on a coach to Carlisle racecourse leaving school at approximately 8.45am and returning by 3.15pm.
Lunch will be provided for all students along with a refreshment break midway through the morning. The day is being supported by Cumbria Education Trust and is free of charge for all students.
Students are to attend the day in full school uniform and come prepared with appropriate equipment to get the most out of each session. The same high expectations of behaviour and engagement are expected throughout the day as they are in school. Any behaviour below expectation will result in students being removed from the venue to ensure it remains a positive day for the other 400+ students.
The programme for the day is as below and students will be given their groups in due course. If you wish to ask any questions regarding the day, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your sincerely
Mrs J Kearton Mrs R O’Hagan
Director of Learning Year 11 Deputy Headteacher
Provisional Programme for the Day
8.45 – Leave Workington Academy
10.00- Motivational Speaker
10.45- 11.05- Break time Refreshments (provided)
11.10- 11.50- Workshop 1
11.55- 12.35- Workshop 2
12.35- 13.05- Lunch (provided)
13.05- 13.45- Workshop 3
13.50- 14.00- Closing Remarks
Return to School for 15.15