Last half term we celebrated the success of our current Year 9 and Year 10 students for their achievements last year.
Year 8 Awards
Diligence and Effort: Katie Edmondson
Classroom contribution: Liam Bennett
Class work: Jessica Holliday
House Awards
Risman: Alfie Benzie
Thompson: Abigail Sansom
Curwen: Robbie Furness
Outstanding contribution to sport:
John Pape
Jack Tomlinson
Ellis Canon
John Little
Alexa Murray
Abbie Percival
Eve Brown
Kayleigh Robinson
Sophie Charters
Amy Woodburn
Overall outstanding sports performer: Dena Briscoe
The Art Award: Evie Little and Amy Woodburn
Music Award: Beth Smith
Respect Award: Ellis Cannan and Sam Chilton
Resilience: Caylin Glencross
Responsibility: Bronwyn Coombs
Outstanding Boy and Girl:
Dan Carter
Kayleigh Armstrong
Year 9 Awards
Diligence and Effort: Emily Armstrong
Classroom Contribution: Charlotte McCombe and Leah Carruthers
Home-learning: Emma Shervinton
Respect Award: Mitchell Hill
Responsibility Award: Luke Montgomery
Resilience Award: Logan Hailes
Outstanding contribution to sport:
Logan Kilgour
Summer Thompson
Amie Leslie
Anna Bowden
Outstanding performance in sport: Charlotte Mccombe
Art award: Lilly Wright
Music Work: Lucy Wilson
House Awards
Bessemer: Logan Kilgour
Thompson: Leah Carruthers
Curwen: Jack McKenzie
Outstanding Boy and Girl:
John-James Glaister
Lucy Wilson