Dear Students
It is still difficult for us all to believe that we are not in school and not together to reach the end of Year 11. First of all, we understand that you will have a mixture of emotions ranging from confusion, to anger and disappointment. We want to reassure you that we will do everything in our power to ensure you get the necessary grades to move on to the next phase of your education.
Currently the examining bodies have made it absolutely clear that there will be no summer examinations. They are now in the process of putting together a robust system by which to award your grades in each subject. At this moment nothing has been clarified. When this is finalised, we will provide you with all the relevant information. In the meantime, it is essential that you work on the coursework elements of your subjects where you can and that you continue to build up your body of knowledge in all of your subjects, so that whatever is asked of us, we are ready.
As you know, your work is being set via Firefly and your teachers will make regular contact with you. Please complete your set tasks by the deadlines given which will help you to maintain a routine while learning at home.
A huge part of completing year 11 is the celebration attached to this time, and we are committed to doing these with you as soon as we can. It is our intention to have the traditional shirt-signing, yearbooks, photographs and year 11 prom. These things will be all the more special when everyone in the year group can celebrate together, and this would simply not have been possible last week with so many of you unable to attend.
Thank you to all of you who have applied for entry to the sixth form for September 2020. Due to the current situation we will not be continuing with face to face interviews, instead we will be looking to conduct telephone interviews. We will be in touch with you individually as and when we can to discuss your application, this is most likely to be from the beginning of April.
Please rest assured that you are not ‘out of sight, out of mind’. If you are struggling in any way there are a number of points of contact available to you. Please use the contact numbers you were provided with at the end of last week; they are also on the school website/Firefly, for those of you who were absent.
All students will also be contacted over the coming weeks – please be expecting our call. We will just be checking in to see that you are alright.
Finally, and most importantly, we want you and your family to stay healthy over this troubling time.
Yours sincerely
Des Bird