Dear Year 13 Students
Firstly, all credit to you for your maturity and positive attitude on receiving the news regarding the school closure and the cancellation of the summer exams. We know that many of you will feel disconcerted and disappointed to have had your year 13 curtailed. We want to reassure you that we will do everything we can to ensure you get the necessary grades to move on to the next phase of your education or career path.
Currently the examining bodies have made it absolutely clear that there will be no summer examinations. They are now in the process of putting together a robust system by which to award your grades in each subject. At this moment nothing has been clarified. When this is finalised, we will provide you with all the relevant information. In the meantime, it is essential that you work on the coursework elements of your subjects where you can and that you continue to prepare for future studies and training in higher education.
Since these announcements have been made some universities have updated your offer, so it is vital that you continue to check these updates via UCAS; please remember that an unconditional offer shouldn’t be taken just because we are unsure of how grades will be awarded, they should only be accepted if these are the universities and courses you would have chosen anyway. Continuing with the theme of unconditional offers, these should not mean that you discontinue your current studies, much of what you will do now will be the underpinning of your undergraduate studies so please continue to work as hard as you have been.
In addition to these studies we continue to advise you to complete MOOCs in relevant courses and begin to look at your undergraduate reading list; this applies to those of you entering into apprenticeships as well. These are uncertain times, be as prepared as you can be for your future.
As you know, your work is being set via Firefly and your teachers will make regular contact with you. Please complete your set tasks by the deadlines given which will help you to maintain a routine while learning at home. There may be times when your teachers will arrange a virtual lesson via Teams. Please make sure you have downloaded the Teams App in preparation for this.
Also remember that we are still available if you need us. If you are struggling in any way there are a number of points of contact you may wish to use. Please use the contact numbers you were provided with at the end of last week; they are also on the school website/Firefly, for those of you who were absent. Many of you are also in direct contact with Mrs McAllister and Mrs Wilson who will be available to you during working hours and will get back to you as soon as they possibly can, should you contact them.
Most importantly, we hope that you and your family stay safe and healthy during this difficult time.
Yours sincerely
Des Bird