As of Monday, our school will be closed to support the Local Authority plan of having local area Hubs to provide childcare for the children of key workers.
This will ensure that many schools are deep-cleaned and that local areas reduce the number of staff attending, in-line with government guidance.
The childcare for children of key workers from our school will be based at Distington Community School during the hours of 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday – Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.
Notice to parents who are classed as Key Workers – Details of Workington Emergency Hub Provision Childcare
If you are a Key Worker and require emergency childcare for your children, whilst you are working in the coming weeks, please read the letter below / via the link attached and complete the forms enclosed.
Please note that the provision for all children of Key Workers who attend Workington schools is going to be provided at Distington Community School. Please also remember that this provision should only be used as a last resort and that as far as possible, if children can remain safely at home, they must do so.
As stated in the letter, if you are in need of this support – please return your completed forms and direct any queries to Miss Tweddle via