We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in helping your child to adjust to the changes of home-schooling and assisting them in completing a wide range of work set for them so far. We have been very impressed by the detailed and creative work received from many of our students as well as seeing all of their kind and thoughtful acts in support of our community and front-line workers. We are really enjoying receiving your photos and videos and being able to celebrate achievements and successes with you and the rest of our Workington Academy community.
Please be aware that although we are very much focused on continuing to provide a high standard of education for every child throughout this time, we acknowledge the unprecedented times that we are all currently living through. The health and well-being of our students and families remains our number one priority throughout this time. We understand that the circumstances of each household are unique and that all families, students and staff need to be able to create routines that work for them, whilst being conducive to promoting positive physical and mental health.
We understand that working at home isn’t the same as being at school and that some of the tasks set may be difficult to complete, without the help of a teacher. As always, we expect students to try their best and to have a go, to contact their teachers via Firefly for help, but please do not worry if work doesn’t always go to plan. Please do not be worried if your child is working hard but you feel they are a bit behind on their tasks and please don’t allow them to spend more time on tasks than they would normally have for that lesson (1 hour). If your child is feeling overwhelmed, let them take a break.
We recognise that families may be facing uncertainties, that some households include key workers or have several children sharing devices and requiring support with remote learning. It is for this reason that we do not want students and families to worry about completing all tasks set. We do not want you or your children to feel overwhelmed or under unwarranted pressure at this difficult time.
To support this, tasks for students to complete are now being set for all subjects on Firefly at the start of each week. This will provide learning that can be dispersed throughout the full week ahead and to be completed at times convenient for individual students and families. Understandably, Firefly is receiving unprecedented traffic from students across the country who are all trying to access the work that has been set by their teachers and therefore there may be times when the site runs slower than you would expect or cannot be accessed. We are aware of these issues and are working hard to resolve them. We do not want families to worry if their access to firefly limits the number of tasks completed.
After listening to feedback from families we are now providing shorter tasks for our KS3 students that will help to develop key skills, knowledge and creativity and where possible, to include some activities that can be completed offline, as well as encouraging additional reading. We recognise our KS4 and 5 students remain focused on their exam subjects and continuing to develop subject specific skills and knowledge and making good progress on coursework elements of subjects where appropriate.
Please do continue to access advice and guidance on our website and through subject specific teacher contact via email or Firefly, whilst we will continue to do the best we can to provide continuity of learning and pastoral care for all of our students. We appreciate that the current circumstances bring challenges for everyone and that some days may be better than others. Nevertheless, the wellbeing of our students, parents, carers and staff must take priority throughout this time.