Dear Parent/carer
It is the Government’s ambition that students in years 10 and 12 receive some ‘Face to Face’ sessions in school, with a potential start-up date of 1st June. To this end we have had a number of lengthy discussions in order to make the necessary arrangements for the safety and well-being of all staff and students. Any return of students to site or indeed any change in the current remote provision for Year 10 and Year 12 is wholly dependent on a number of key factors:
- The Government meeting its own key 5 tests at the next review of the current lockdown on 28th May.
- Comprehensive plans are in place to fulfil the parameters in which we are being asked to provide on-site sessions.
- Clear communication and consultation with staff and parents.
- Approval from the Trust Board of Cumbria Education Trust that all risk assessments and other relevant planning are fit for purpose.
We cannot influence the first point and will wait to see the outcome of the review. We have provisional plans that are in place for reopening. However, the Department for Education has yet to publish the Guidance for Secondary Schools outlining the parameters of what the in-school sessions will look like.
As a result, we cannot give you any final plans, as we simply have not been given the relevant guidance. We have no option but to delay consultation with yourselves until after the half-term break. As a school we will continue with our current provision of remote learning, until we have a clearer picture of what any changes may be and we are sure it will be compliant with Governmental guidance. In the meantime, our provision for children of key workers and those with other specific circumstances will continue to run in the same way.
Once we receive the relevant guidance and amended plans if necessary we will communicate with you again. I can only apologise that this will now not be until the start of the first week back after half term.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Bird