Dear Parent/Carer,
As communicated with you last week, Year 12 face-to-face learning sessions will commence in the week beginning 15 June 2020. It is important to remind you, at this point, that these sessions are designed to support the remote learning model which is in place and will remain the primary method of learning for the remainder of this term. Students will be offered one lesson per fortnight of each of their option subjects to enhance their independent learning. Students will be expected to arrive for a prompt 1pm start for these sessions and must enter the building and go straight to their designated classroom following the routes as indicated in the timetable below.
Face to face session protocols:
- Strict social distancing will be maintained at all times during these sessions. Entrances and corridors will be clearly marked to ensure 2 metre distancing. Routes to designated learning areas are in place to minimise student contact. Classrooms will be laid out with desks 2 metres apart and students will remain at the same desk throughout the session.
- Only a limited number of students will be in contact with each other and with teaching staff at any time.
- Students will be expected to wash their hands on entering the school using the toilet block closest to their learning area.
- Each group of students will have a dedicated toilet block close to their learning area. Cleaning staff will be on site through the learning sessions and toilet blocks will be cleaned frequently. There will be hand sanitiser, soap and hand towels available. Hand driers will not be in use.
- Students will be supervised at all times and will be given short ‘relaxation time’ within their designated area.
- Sessions will take place during the afternoon only. This means that there will be no catering provision on the school site. Free school meals will continue to be provided by way of the current voucher scheme. Students are therefore encouraged to bring their own drinks and any snacks for their personal consumption.
- Students will be expected to wear full uniform upon their return to school. Any external garments (coats, gloves, hats etc.) need to be removed before entering the Academy. Uniform items should be washed when students return home following their face-to-face session. If this is not possible, for example, a student is attending on two consecutive days, we recommend that the student wears clean clothes for each day, even if this results in the student being unable to wear full uniform.
- Basic equipment, e.g. pen, pencil and ruler will be provided for each student and cleaned before and after use. Specialist equipment, e.g. graphical calculators can be brought in and students will be provided with disposable cleaning cloths to use at the start and end of the session.
- Laptops should not be brought in to school at this point. Students will be located in computer suites where this is appropriate with all equipment fully cleaned before and after use.
An important reminder also is that students will be expected to follow the strict social distancing rules in place and behave in an appropriate manner during their time in school and on entering and leaving the building. If students are deemed to be behaving inappropriately, parents may be contacted to collect their child. Further information on this is included in the school’s interim Behaviour and Relationships policy.
Students are reminded that Government guidelines recommend to walk or cycle to school. Any student who uses school transportation should contact the school to confirm availability.
Equally important is that all students are following the Government guidelines on social distancing outside of school. If we believe that any student is not adhering to these guidelines and therefore jeopardising the health and safety of other students and staff, parents will be contacted to collect their child.
For any queries in relation to this, please email
We look forward to seeing your child soon.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs A McAllister