Dear Parent / Carer
RE: Students Accessing Workington Academy Hub Provision from Monday 15 June 2020
As of Monday 15 June, we will begin the phased wider re-opening of our academy by re-introducing face to face contact for our Year 10 and 12 students to help them to prepare for their examinations next year, in line with the UK Government guidance. As well as providing this important provision for our Year 10 and 12 students, we remain committed to providing essential childcare provision to support the students of our key workers.
Although there will only be very small numbers of Year 10 and 12 students in school at any one time, I would like to advise you that the numbers of students and staff on site will continue to rise from this point forward. Furthermore, as increased numbers of our parents who are key workers are returning to work, the number of students accessing our Hub provision is also continuing to grow.
Throughout this period, we are continuing to follow and adhere to the most recently published and regularly updated Government and DfE guidance in relation to wider school opening and the strict health and safety standards set by Public Health England.
The safety of our students, staff and school community remains our number one priority and as part of these guidelines, it is essential that only a limited number of students are in contact with each other and with members of our staff at any time.
In view of this, we have divided all Year 10 and 12 students who are returning to school from Monday 15 June into small groups or ‘bubbles’, in order for us to be able to adhere to the social distancing guidelines. These bubbles of students will remain isolated and will not mix with others whilst on site. Students accessing our Hub provision will also remain as one bubble and will not come into contact with other groups of students whilst at the academy.
For each bubble in attendance, a specific start and finish time, entrance and exit point, classroom and toilet block have been assigned. It is essential that we also do the same for the students accessing our Hub provision, which are outlined on the academy map and route information document enclosed with this letter.
Students accessing our Hub provision will continue to enter our academy via our Main Reception and must be signed in and out by a designated adult. Students will continue to work either in the Library, Sixth Form Study or within our Learning Provision area, with access to ICT provision, a printer and resources to complete their individual subject and online learning tasks set on Firefly, whilst being supervised by members of our Academy staff.
All students will continue to be assigned a set work space on entry and maintain social distancing guidelines at all times. Hand washing and sanitising will continue to be encouraged on entry, exit and regularly throughout the day and all work spaces and areas used will be deep-cleaned at the end of each day.
From Monday 15 June, all Year 10 and 12 students attending the academy have been asked to wear their school uniform and have been asked to wash this between their visits to school. Where possible, from Monday 15 June we would also like students attending our Hub provision to wear their academy uniform.
However, we recognise that in line with current health and safety guidelines, it is more important for children attending school on consecutive days to wear clean and washed clothes every day. Therefore, we understand that it may not be always be possible for all students attending our Hub provision on more than one day per week to be dressed in their uniform. Consequently, we ask that all students wear their uniform where possible, but most importantly that they attend in clean clothes every day and we accept that this may not always be their academy uniform.
We remain unable to provide catering on site throughout this time and ask that all students accessing our Hub provision continue to bring their own packed lunch, drinks and snacks to last them throughout their time at school each day.
If you do have any further questions or queries in relation to our wider school re-opening, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bedford – or if you have any queries related to our Academy Hub provision, please contact Miss Tweddle –
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Bird