To acknowledge and celebrate the outstanding work completed by our KS3 students during the school closure period within their own curriculum and individual subject tasks, we are changing things for the next three weeks to renew their focus and to give them the opportunity to continue to develop subject specific skills and knowledge linked to our local area.
Over the next three weeks all Year 7 and 8 students will be set project work based on ‘West Cumbria in the past, present and future’.
Each subject will set an individual project task on Firefly on different days over the project period and once submitted, the students will be rewarded with a digit that will help to form the Kahoot Project Finale ‘game pin’ for each task they complete.
*Please note that all subject tasks must be completed for students to gain access to the final Quiz Game Pin.
This Game Pin will allow students to participate in the end of year Kahoot extravaganza to take place on Wednesday, 15 July to win individual prizes. Further prizes will also be awarded for those students who are the most innovative and creative throughout the completion of the subject tasks.
We have attached the information in this short video for you and will give out further information in our weekly assemblies.
We are very looking forward to receiving all of your fabulous projects and competition entries.
Year 9 have now been issued with all of their GCSE bridging work, which will prepare them for their new Key Stage 4 studies when we return to school. We will continue to communicate with parents and students regarding this.
Our Virtual Sports Day will also take place on Friday, 3 July for all Key Stage 3 students to take part in. More information regarding this will follow in due course.