Dear Parent/Carer
A level results day is on Thursday 13 August and results will be available from 8.00am to 11.00am in the Sports Hall.
Students should use the following entrance depending on their surname:
A-H – Community Entrance
I – R – Main Entrance
S -Z – Sports Hall side entrance (door will be open on arrival)
Students will be required to socially distance at all times and wash their hands before entering the building. Hand sanitiser will be available at all entrances. We do ask that parents and carers wait outside the building.
If students are unable to collect their results they can arrange for another person to collect results on their behalf. The person collecting will need a letter of authority which will be kept by the school. The letter should include the student’s name as well as the name of the person collecting the results and it should be signed and dated by the student. The person collecting the results should bring ID with them (students do not require ID to collect results).
I look forward to seeing the students in school to collect their results.
Yours faithfully
Mr M Bedford
Deputy Head