Dear Parent/Carer
Please be advised that we now have a confirmed case of Covid-19 in year 7. We are aware that information regarding this case was released on social media before it was passed to the school. School was informed at 10.45pm last night.
Please be assured that following notification of the test, we have now moved swiftly to ask all close contacts of the child to remain at home and self-isolate for 14 days. Please be assured that we have thoroughly planned for this eventuality, and will do everything possible to ensure that further transmission of the virus does not take place.
If you have not been contacted by us, or track and trace directly, that means that your child did not come into close contact with this student, and therefore can attend school as normal.
I have written to you immediately, as I am aware that parents will be anxious about this development. This situation has happened in a number of schools across Cumbria, and as in other schools, we will take further direction from Public Health England.
We will keep you updated as and when we receive further information.
Yours faithfully
Mr D Bird