In line with the hit ITV show we are running an ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ themed Rewards competition across the academy over the next four weeks.
Students in all year groups will be trying to collect as many ‘stars’ as they can; for themselves and their form group throughout the competition in order to achieve rewards and prizes and to be crowned King or Queen of the Workington Academy Castle!
Stars are being awarded to students in and out of lessons for outstanding work, home-learning, lesson contributions and displaying our academy 3R’s.
Stars accumulated will show on student’s Star Rewards Accounts on Firefly.
Rewards and Prizes will be given out to the ‘King / Queen of the Workington Academy Castle’ in each Year Group and the Form Group that collects the most stars throughout the competition, in the week beginning 14 December 2020.
Good luck to all students!