Dear Parent / Carer
RE: Students Accessing Workington Academy Hub Provision from Monday 04 January 2021
Following the announcement from the Secretary of State for Education yesterday in relation to amended plans for the staggered re-opening of secondary schools, we remain committed to providing essential childcare provision to support the students of our critical workers and those who need school support throughout this time.
As always, the safety of our students, staff and school community remains our number one priority and we continue to follow and adhere to the most recently published and regularly updated Government and DfE guidance and the strict health and safety standards set by Public Health England. We also continue to follow our strict COVID-19 academy procedures, which were implemented at the start of the Autumn term, limiting the number of students and staff that students are in contact with throughout the school day.
At the time of writing this letter, you have either expressed that you would like your child to attend our hub provision or have already agreed this with academy staff and we look forward to welcoming them back to the academy on Monday 04 January.
It is essential that all students follow the guidelines set out below when attending our hub provision:
The academy day will run as normal between 8.40am – 3.00pm.
All students must attend school in their full uniform and bring their own equipment and exercise books with them, as normal.
Students accessing our Hub provision will continue to enter and leave the academy via their specific Year Group entrance and exit, as they did in the Autumn term. Students will be met at their designated entrance by their Year Group Student Provision Officer from 8.25am. Students should not be on school site before this time.
Students will report to their designated year group hub room, in which all students will have access to ICT provision and resources to complete their individual subject and online learning tasks set on Firefly or to access remote teaching lessons via MS Teams (where applicable), whilst being supervised by members of our Academy staff.
All students will be assigned a set work space on entry and maintain social distancing guidelines at all times. Hand washing and sanitising will continue to be encouraged on entry, exit and regularly throughout the day.
Academy catering will be available for all students to purchase food or for those who are eligible, to obtain their Free School Meal at lunchtime. It is advised that students bring snacks with them for break time if desired, as on-site catering will not be available at this time. All students are encouraged to bring a filled water bottle with them to drink throughout the day, as normal.
If you do have any further questions or queries in relation to our staggered wider school re-opening, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Bedford – or Mrs O’Hagan ro’ or if you have any queries specifically related to our Academy Hub provision, please contact Miss Tweddle –
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Bird