Dear Year 11 students,
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas. As you are aware, for the first week of term your learning will be completed at home, through a mixture of Teams lessons and resources on Firefly. It is really important that you keep on top of things and follow your school timetable as if you were in the building.
Firstly, I would like to say that your commitment to your studies from September to December has been commendable. You have worked very hard to make up for any lost learning due to school closure when you were in Year 10 and you have worked brilliantly in lessons. You have also completed a set of examinations, despite a number of you self-isolating at some point in the term. We need to keep up this effort now, to make sure that you continue to make this excellent progress.
We have high expectations of you! Please read the following information really carefully so that you will have a successful start to the term.
- Your day will begin at 8.40am with online tutor time. You will need to log into Teams to register with your tutor (you will receive a link for this). This is also a chance for you to discuss any issues you may have with your tutor.
- Lessons will be a mixture of live streamed lessons on Teams, some recorded sessions and resources on Firefly. You should regularly access your Firefly account and school email.
- Work should be completed at the time of the lesson and resources/completed tasks should be uploaded on the day of the lesson so that your teacher can keep track of your work.
- Both your attendance and work completion will be monitored by the year group team for each lesson. Please make sure that you communicate with Mr Sewell, Miss McTaggart or Mrs Newman as soon as possible if you cannot attend a live lesson or access the work.
- Please work in a place at home which is appropriate for school work and turn off your social media while you are working. (There are some devices available for use at home, if you do not have your own device. Please email to let me know if you do not have access to a device)
- Please remember to dress appropriately for online live lessons. Your teachers will want to see you, but not in your pyjamas.
We can do this really well, if we all work together and we can look forward to returning to face to face lessons knowing that we have got off to a good start.
Mrs O’Hagan
Deputy Headteacher