Dear Year 11 students,
After just one day of the spring term, it is all change again! You will all know by now that remote learning will be in place until the February half term. We are really disappointed not to have you all in school, but we will make the very best of the situation and many of the points made in my last letter still stand.
There have already been a number of conflicting comments in the news in relation to GCSE examinations. The bottom line is that at this point in time we do not know what is going to happen; what will replace examinations and what evidence we will require, should we be asked to submit teacher grades. Therefore, until we are provided with additional information we will continue with business as usual, albeit remotely.
You will continue to follow your timetable each day, starting with tutor time as outlined in the previous letter. You will be using Microsoft Teams for a significant number of lessons as well as tutor time. In order that you can always access the lessons which are live-streamed, it would be sensible to have Teams open and ready in advance of the lessons, checking that your camera and microphone are working properly.
You can also use the Teams chat to talk to your individual teachers during and outside of the lesson. Please remember that your teachers are delivering lessons to other year groups too, but they will get back to you as soon as they can. It is also important that you check your Firefly account regularly.
We will continue to make sure that you have high quality work to complete and in return we expect you to complete all the work to the best possible standard. If you have any issues, you must get in touch with the year group team.
Happy learning!
Mrs O’Hagan
Deputy Headteacher