Dear Parents/Carers
Following on from the DfE announcement last night, we would like to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts to hopefully put your mind and your son/daughter’s mind at rest.
The January BTEC module exams will go ahead as planned, the students involved will already have a timetable showing the dates and times of these. They involve Sport, Business, Children’s Play, Learning and Development, Health and Social Care, Performing Arts and Applied Science students. Amendments have been made to the seating arrangements to allow for adequate social distancing between students.
The Prime Minister announced last night that some exams will be cancelled, however, he was not clear which or how courses will be assessed. We therefore believe it is vital that students continue to work as if these exams were to go ahead as originally planned so they are fully prepared for whatever assessment process is developed. To support possible teacher assessment, the trial exam period will be postponed until after we return to school, but will still go ahead.
We will be offering as many online lessons as possible supported by independent work set by Teams or Firefly for students to continue to make progress during this time of closure. The day will start with virtual registration with their tutor via Teams, students should then follow their timetable as if they were in school, including using study periods for independent study.
We will update you regularly in regards to students’ progress as we know you are keen to support your child to be the best they can be. Our first day, yesterday, of online learning was very positive with the vast majority of students engaging well with the work set.
Finally, I would like to say well done to all students for their resilience and hard work shown so far this year. We are here for you and want you to succeed so you can have a highly successful future.
If anyone has any issues at all please do contact me via and I will try my hardest to resolve these.
Yours sincerely
Mrs A McAllister
Head of WCSF Workington Campus