Dear Parent/Carer
After half term we’d like to meet with a selection of you to discuss the following things:
- SchoolCloud – we’re interested to hear from those of you who have experienced our remote parent’s evenings.
- Online provision – we’re interested to hear your views on our online provision and your opinions on how we could use our experiences to improve our home learning procedures and protocols.
- Wider reopening – although we don’t know when this will be we’d like to gather your views on our key priorities for when all students return to school.
This meeting will begin at 5.30pm on Monday, 22 February. If you’re interested in taking part you’ll need access to a device with a microphone and a camera. You’ll also need to ensure that you have access to Microsoft Teams.
If you’re interested in taking part please send an email to Mr Hendren ( outlining your interest. For security purposes we’d also like you to provide us with your child/children’s name(s) and their DOB in your email. Invite links for the meeting will be sent out via email by Friday, 19 February.
Kind regards
Mr B Hendren
Assistant Headteacher