Dear Parent/Carer
After the Easter break there are some important changes for students that you need to be made aware of. Students received this information at the end of the last term and I would ask that you go through the contents of this letter with your child, before their return to school next week.
From Monday 19 April students must come to school in their full uniform every day. If a student has PE on a particular day they must bring their PE kit and change into it at the start of their PE lesson. After their PE lesson students will change back into their school uniform. The Academy will focus on uniform standards at the start of next term, please see the school website if you need further information regarding this. (
Year 8 and Year 9 teaching zones
After the Easter break, students in year 8 and year 9 will swap their teaching zones in the school. Year 8 will move to the English corridor on the first floor and Year 9 will move to the Science classrooms on floor 2. As a result of this students will enter the school through different entrances. Year 8 will enter and leave the school via the rear central doorway. Year 9 will enter and leave the school via the Design and Technology entrance at the front of school. It is important students use the correct entrances from Monday 19 April. Students will receive their new timetables on Monday morning.
There have been some incredibly positive improvements in attendance since full reopening which we’re very proud of and it really shows how much students and their families value being back at school. We wrote to the vast majority of parents regarding their child’s attendance for the Autumn term and will do so again at the end of the summer term. It would be really positive to see all students either maintain their outstanding attendance record or improve on their Autumn term attendance. If you have any concerns relating to attendance or any other pastoral issue please feel free to get in touch with your child’s Director of Learning.
Students will be able to use lockers next term and I will write to you next week with further details.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of the Easter break and look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Monday 19 April. Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully
Mr M Bedford
Deputy Headteacher