Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to inform you about the importance of your child’s upcoming internal exams that are taking place in the week commencing Monday 07 June 2021.
This set of upcoming internal exams will be based on curriculum content covered throughout Year 7 so far and will inform your child’s progress to date. The scores achieved will provide a set of robust data and results, which will be analysed to inform your child’s current attainment and progress towards achieving their academic targets in each subject. The results of these examinations will form part of your child’s next progress report. It is essential that all exams are approached with the upmost care and diligence.
In view of this, attendance at each of these exams is essential. It is also vital that your child prepares for each of these exams correctly and that they arrive to each exam punctually, having completed a suitable amount of revision and preparation at home. Students must also ensure that they are appropriately equipped and organised with all necessary tools and equipment to complete each exam, to the best of their ability.
Throughout this set of internal exams, students will be examined in the following subjects; English, Maths, Science, MFL (French or German), History, Geography, Design and Technology and RPE.
All exams will take place in their usual timetabled lesson periods. Students will be informed by their subject teachers in lessons prior to half term, as to the specific date and time of each exam, taking place during their internal examination period, which students will record in their planner.
Please find attached below, a list of topics, skills and content that will be tested in each examination, necessary equipment needed and a revision guidance sheet with tips to help your child to prepare correctly and succeed within each exam.
If you or your child have any queries or questions regarding these exams, please do not hesitate to contact me at Workington Academy.
Yours sincerely,
Miss N Tweddle
Director of Learning – Year 7