Dear Parents and Carers
As you know, COVID-19 infection rates are rising in the local area and this will have an impact on all secondary schools.
Cumbria County Council, NHS Test and Trace and Public Health England are advising ‘surge testing’ to be implemented within our community. This means that everyone between the ages of 12 and 30 are strongly encouraged to get a PCR test, whether they have symptoms or not.
I would like to request that you arrange for your son/daughter, if they are 12 years or older, to go for a PCR test outside of school hours. Test sites are open from 8am to 8pm and there is no need to book, you can simply walk-in. Full details can be found at
If your son/daughter cannot attend a test site, you can get a test kit delivered to your home by accessing Choose the “I have been advised to get a test by local Public Health officials” option.
There are plans for PCR testing to be undertaken in all secondary schools over the upcoming weeks, and I will provide you with further updates regarding this as soon as I can.
In the meantime, please may I ask for your continued support with LFD home testing, and that all results are reported to NHS test and trace, with school notified of any positive results.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Bird
Our nearest test centre locations are:
West Cumbria Allerdale House LTS
- Allerdale House Overflow Car Park
Workington CA14 9SA
Copeland Castle Meadows LTS
- Castle Meadows Car Park
Whitehaven CA28 7RG