Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to thank you for your support throughout this year in ensuring that your child attends fully equipped to learn and dressed appropriately in the Academy’s uniform.
We place the highest regard on our student’s presentation and how they wear their uniform because we want them to look their best when they come to school. Lots of families purchase new items of uniform over the summer break so I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our uniform policy before any new items are purchased: Workington Academy Uniform Policy. Our standards are high and we value parent/carer support in maintaining the highest of standards for your child/children.
There have been no changes to our 2021/2022 Uniform Policy and may I take this opportunity to be clear on a couple of aspects within it:
- Students should wear only sensible black formal shoes that can take a polish only, unless there is medical evidence that states otherwise. Trainers of any kind are not permitted to be worn in the Academy
- Piercings, with the exception of a small stud in each ear, are not permitted. No facial piercings of any kind (eg. eyebrow, nose, mouth or tongue) are allowed, including the use of clear plastic studs
- Tight fitting leggings/trousers are not permitted
- Body con skirts are not permitted. Black tailored skirts of a length no more than 5cm (2″) above or below the knee are permitted
- Hair should be kept to a simple style with natural colours only
- All students are required to have a pair of Workington Academy shorts for PE. Workington Academy leggings are optional. Other branded leggings are not permitted.
Uniform orders can be placed via our uniform supplier SWI via their website or by telephone 01928 752 610. It is useful to order in advanced of September to ensure you have adequate time to secure the correct sizes.
It is important that our students have the following items of equipment on a daily basis:
- Black/blue pens
- Purple pens for self- assessment
- Pencils
- A ruler
- A calculator
Equipment will be checked on a daily basis by your child’s form tutor. It is of the upmost importance that your child has a full complement of equipment to ensure there is no lost learning time in attempting to borrow or source a missing piece of equipment. We will continue to sell equipment to students, in the Library, throughout 2021/2022.
The vast majority of our students wear their uniform with pride and come fully equipped and ready to learn. They are a real credit to the Academy.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via email ( should you require any help or support regarding the contents of this letter. May I finish by wishing you and your families a wonderful summer break.
Yours faithfully
Mr B Hendren
Assistant Headteacher