Dear Parents/Carers
As part of our baseline assessments for Year 7, students will be sitting Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) during their lessons in the week beginning Monday 20 September. I have attached a timetable showing when these tests are taking place.
The results from these tests help the school to set appropriate academic targets for students and to ensure that students are placed in classes where the work is at a suitable level for their ability.
CATs fall into four categories: verbal reasoning (thinking with words); quantitative Reasoning (thinking with numbers); non-verbal Reasoning (thinking with shapes and space) and Spatial Awareness.
Students will sit the tests online using the school computer network.
The CATs are not tests students can revise for and they should not be anxious about them. Students do not get the results of the tests as their value is for the teaching staff to set targets for students.
If you have any queries or concerns about the CATs please contact me at school.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher Kearton
Assistant Headteacher (Quality Assurance)