We would like to extend our invite to all Parents and Carers to attend our first Parent Forum of the academic year on Monday 22 November 2021 at 5.30pm.
Parent forum is open to all parents and it is an opportunity for the Academy to consult with parents on upcoming events, new initiatives and existing practices. For our parents it provides a structured way to have their views and questions shared and considered on big topics.
The agenda for the next meeting is as follows:
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Reporting home on behaviour for learning and attendance
- Workington Academy Parent Teacher Association (WA PTA)
- Any other business
We are planning to hold this meeting face to face and as such it is incredibly important that we have a clear idea of numbers in advance of the meeting so we are able to decide on the correct space in school to meet the requirements of our COVID-19 risk assessment. If you plan to attend can you please let us know by emailing bhendren@workingtonacademy.org. If you are unable to attend but would like further information on any of the topics above we will ensure that all the resources used at the meeting, including the meeting minutes, are on the Parent Forum section on our website.
Refreshments, including school tray bakes, will be available during the meeting.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Yours faithfully,
Mr B Hendren
Assistant Headteacher
Miss N Tweddle
Assistant Headteacher & Director of Learning
Parent Forum Meeting Letter - Monday 22 November 2021