Dear Parent/Carer
I would like to extend an invitation to you to attend the West Coast Sixth Form open evening in January 2022. The Whitehaven Campus open evening will be on Wednesday 12 January and the Workington Campus event will be on Thursday 27 January. All subjects on offer will be represented at both events by subject specialist staff from both schools. Both events start at 6.00pm and run until 7.30pm during which time you will be able to find out about all the courses and opportunities available to your child at the West Coast Sixth Form.
If you would like to attend with your child please secure your place via the link, You must book a place using the online booking system, as this will allow us to run the event in a Covid secure way. After booking your place you can continue through the form to make an account ready for your son/daughter to complete their application to the West Coast Sixth Form for September 2022.
The closing date for applications is Friday 4 February 2022.
In the event of any changes to government guidance in relation to Covid we will transfer the event to a virtual format and we will contact you with the joining information as required.
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering some new courses from this September, including; Food and Nutrition, Music and Psychology. Alongside this, we have gone into partnership with System People in Carlisle who will be providing exclusive apprenticeship opportunities within Business Management. This partnership will also guarantee any West Coast Sixth Form student an interview on any of their apprenticeship programmes.
I look forward to welcoming you at one of our informative open evenings.
Yours faithfully
Mark Bedford
Head of the West Coast Sixth Form