Dear Parent / Carer
Year 8 Forms: 8BWI, 8GJA, 8IMA, 8JKI Progress Evening at Workington Academy on 11 May 2022
I am writing to invite you to the Year 8 Progress Evening for 8BWI, 8GJA, 8IMA and 8JKI on Wednesday 11 May from 3:30pm until 6:00pm. The Progress Evening will be held in person at school and will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and address any concerns that you or their teachers may have.
The school has introduced a new, intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers. Please visit to book your appointments. Once you’ve done this, you will receive a confirmation email detailing your appointments for the evening.
Please have the following information ready to login:
The information, including the email address must match what we have on the school system. If you are having difficulty logging in, or need support in making the appointments, please contact the school via telephone on 01900 873926 or via email at
You can also contact the school if you have issues with connecting to the internet.
Parental engagement is a key factor in ensuring students succeed. Thank you in advance for your continued support which is vital in ensuring that your child continues to ‘be the best they can be’.
Yours sincerely
Mrs T Thompson
Director of Learning Year 8