Dear Parent/Carer,
As you may know, summer-term is the time when our students in Workington Academy embark on their end-of-year summative assessments. These take place across all year groups and are calendared across the term. This year, your child will be sitting their summative assessments in the week commencing, 23rd May, 2022.
All assessments will take place in classrooms and will completed during normal lesson times. In order to help students prepare, and so that they do not end up with too many assessments in one day these have been timetabled as below.
Students on the B-Half of the year group. Week commencing Monday, 23rd May, 2022
All students will be given an over-view of the revision topics to be covered on the assessments in advance to give them the best opportunity to plan and prepare accordingly. You can download this below:
Year 8 Assessment Topics
Please do reiterate the importance of preparing for these assessments with your child, in order for them to be able to reach their academic potential and ‘Be The Best They Can Be’.
If you do have any queries or questions about these forthcoming assessments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mrs. T Thompson
Director of Learning
Year 8 and Year 9