Dear Parent/Carer
As you will know, Workington Academy was inspected by Ofsted earlier this year and I am delighted to tell you the school has been rated Good in all areas.
Naturally, it is extremely pleasing inspectors have recognised and acknowledged the tremendous work that has taken place at the academy in recent years. We wanted to let parents and carers know as soon as possible and we’ll be sharing the good news with students in assemblies this week.
The report confirms Good gradings for overall effectiveness, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and sixth form provision. Inspectors also highlighted various areas for praise.
These included:
- The strong relationship between pupils and teachers in lessons. Pupils and students learn without disruption.
- School leaders are ambitious for all, irrespective of ability or background, and pupils achieve well.
- Students are ‘immensely proud of their school’ and ‘eager to share with visitors all that the school has to offer’.
- The high expectations for behaviour with pupils unanimous that discriminatory behaviour was not tolerated in the school community.
- Our extensive personal development curriculum provides pupils with a ‘plethora of opportunities that enable them to flourish’.
- Workington Academy is a safe, happy place where pupils are accepted for who they are.
Inspectors, who observed the school for two days in March, looked in-depth across a range of subjects, interviewed staff, students, Local Advisory Board members and senior leadership at Cumbria Education Trust.
They concluded: “Pupils and students value how well prepared they are for life in modern Britain. They assume many responsibilities such as sports leaders and school councillors with pride.”
This Ofsted judgement is testament to the efforts of many people who have worked extremely hard to create a positive school community and improve opportunities for young people in the area.
The academy has come so far in just a few years. We have grown from a school roll of fewer than 800 to more than 1,200 in five years. It is heartening that parents, carers and our community have put their faith in the academy to educate their children and this Ofsted judgement is the icing on top of that cake.
I would like to pay tribute to both our young people and staff who make the academy such a special place. I would also like to thank you for your ongoing support.
We have only been able to secure this positive judgement with the backing of the whole school community.
Workington Academy Ofsted - Full Inspection - March 2022
Yours faithfully
Mr D Bird
Executive Headteacher