Dear Parents/Carers,
It is with great sadness that I have to tell you of the sudden death of a pupil in Year 9.
The pupils were told today in assembly this morning that Mia Scott died in a fire at her home over the weekend.
Your child may or may not want to talk about it, but it is likely that they will need extra love and support from you in the days ahead. This does not mean that anything is wrong with them. It only means that this traumatic event has been too powerful for them to deal with on their own. Your child may be feeling anxious, take time to listen and try to provide a predictable routine at home.
We are seeking advice from an Educational Psychologist, the police and Child Bereavement UK who are helping to support us through this difficult time. There are lots of different support mechanisms for students in school and these were all signposted in this morning’s assembly. This includes quiet places in school students can go to if they are feeling upset or distressed by this terrible news.
We are deeply saddened by this great loss but are trying, for the pupils’ sake, to keep the school environment as normal as possible.
Our thoughts are with Mia’s family at this tragic time and the school community sends them sincerest sympathy and support.
If you require further clarification or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Mark Bedford
Head of School