Here are the dates and times for the Summer Exam Results days.
- A-Level exam results for Year 13 students are released on Thursday 18 August and are available for collection in the hall between 8am and 10.30am
- A/S level exam results for Year 12 students are released on Thursday 18 August and are available for collection in the hall between 9am and 10.30am
- GCSE exam results for Year 11 students are released on Thursday 25 August and are available for collection in the hall between 8am and 10.30am
School staff will be available during this time to answer any questions you may have about your results. After these times, results slips will be available for collection from the main office which is open throughout the school holidays between 9:00am and 3:00pm.
If you are unable to collect your results during these times and you wish for someone else to collect them for you please make sure that you give that person a letter of confirmation. In the letter you must state the name of the person collecting your examination results, your name and candidate number and you must sign and date the letter. This applies whether you wish for a parent/carer, friend or relative to collect your results. We are unable to release results to anyone other than students without this.
If you would prefer for your examination results to be posted to you, please hand in a clearly labelled A5 stamped, self-addressed envelope to the main office at school in advance of results day.
Examination results cannot be released over the telephone under any circumstances.