Headteacher of the WCSF Mark Bedford said:
“Cumbrian schools are proud to serve our children, their families and the communities they come from. Over the last two years due to the Covid 19 pandemic this, for sustained periods has been a trying time, for both students and staff. The achievements of the students are all the more special given the challenges they faced while studying over the last two years. We congratulate them all on the manner in which they have coped in these quite extraordinary times.”
“The vast majority of students have achieved the grades required for their first-choice university or apprenticeship scheme, which is incredibly pleasing to see. Their results reflect their hard work, their dedication and the support they received from their teachers and families.”
“The adaptations to the exam series this year has allowed for the students to take their exams in a manner as close to a normal year as possible. Whilst these changes were not always ideal, the students should be rightly proud of their grades and should in no way think they are diminished by the small number of changes they were afforded.”
“It is only right that we recognise that the variability in how students and schools were affected by Covid19 means that any meaningful comparison between schools is simply inappropriate. It is for this reason that we would caution against such comparisons and instead encourage everyone to focus on the success of our students and celebrate their achievements as individuals with their own story to tell.”
“We congratulate all the young people on their achievements today and wish them all every success in the future.”
Marie McMurdo Head of Sixth Form at the Whitehaven Campus and Andrea McAllister Head of Sixth Form at the Workington Campus added:
“Our students reflect our ethos of ‘Be the Best You Can Be’ with each student striving for their own personal success. We are incredibly proud of the students who have achieved the results required to move on to university, apprenticeships or into employment and we wish them well for the future. More so than ever, students have been faced with adversity, the challenge of level 3 study is never easy, but the skills and strategies our young people have developed during their time in sixth form will ensure that they continue to be successful and resilient throughout their life.”
Pleasing-results were achieved by many including:
Carenza Curwen B (English Language) B (Geography) Distinction (Performing Arts) Northumbria University to study Geography
Lauren Mahone B (Geography) Distinction (Performing Arts) Distinction* (Sport) Northumbria University to study Sport Coaching
Lucy Wilson A* (Maths) A* (German) A* (History) A (Further Maths) University of St Andrews to study German and International Relation
Lauren Kendal A* (Geography) A (English Lang) B (Biology) Lancaster to study Geography
Lily Wright A* (Art) A (English Literature) Distinction* (Digital Media) Leeds Art University to study Fine Art