After half term, the adapted timetable for year 11 will continue. This will allow students to access subject specialist teaching as close to each exam as possible. Where students are in normal lessons and have finished all the exams for that subject, they will be supervised for private study. Students are in full time during the week commencing 5 June. The following week (week commencing 12 June), students will mainly be in school, although they will have an early finish on most days. If students need to remain in school until 3pm on these days, they wll be able to do so.
Students working hard in these pre-exams session has proven very successful in raising achievment in previous years. Parental support in ensuring continued engagement from our students is much apprecaited.
There is a leaver’s assembley on Monday 19 June. Students who study Technology will already be in school. All other students should arrive in full uniform for 11.15am.