It has been a fantastic morning at Workington Academy as thestudents have arrived to receive and celebrate their 2023 GCSE results.
The Headteacher of Workington Academy, Mark Bedford, said:
“We are proud to be a Cumbrian school that connects with our children, their families and our wider community. Following our values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, we can see that our students have these qualities in abundance, with the GCSE results showing their dedication to working hard and carving a path to their own success.
Our young people have had a number of unique challenges over the past few years with a pandemic and cost of living crisis and so the results from today are all the more special. More so than ever, students have been faced with adversity, along with the challenge that GCSE study brings, but the skills and strategies our young people have developed during their time at Workington Academy will ensure that they continue to be successful and resilient throughout their lives.
Our students reflect our ethos of ‘Be the Best You Can Be’ with each student striving for their own personal success. Today is about celebrating some of the incredible achievements of our young people and we are incredibly proud of the students who have achieved the results required to move on to sixth form, college or an apprenticeship and we wish them well for the future.”
Pleasing results were achieved by many, including:
Gregory Jones achieved a grade 9 in Biology, Physics and Geography. He also gained a grade 8 in Maths and Design Technology, achieving a grade 7 in English Language, English Literature and Chemistry. He also achieved a Distinction* in Sports Science.
Zuzanna Mirenska achieved a grade 9 in Art and Polish. She achieved a grade 7 in Maths and Geography and a grade 6 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, German and English Language. Zuzanna will be returning to West Coast Sixth Form.
Kate Neesham who achieved a grade 9 in History, Maths and English Language. She also achieved a grade 8 in Physics and a grade 7 in Art, Chemistry, English Literature, French and Biology.Kate will be returning to West Coast Sixth Form.
Alfie Rosser achieved a grade 8 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science and Maths. He also gained a grade 7 in Geography a grade 6 in English Language and Literature and a grade 5 in French. Alfie will be returning to West Coast Sixth Form.
Workington Academy also celebrates students who have made exceptional progress during their time at the academy. Progress is measured by calculating how well students have performed in their GCSEs compared to the SAT results they received in Year 6.
Congratulations to all!