Dear Parents and Carers
I wrote to you earlier in the summer holidays to outline the changes to the school day. This letter serves as a polite reminder that from Wednesday 6 September the school day starts at 8:35 am and finishes at 3:05 pm. Since my last correspondence, we have had to swap the previously allocated lunch and break times to accommodate our West Coast Sixth Form Students, who undergo their studies over two sites, Workington Academy and The Whitehaven Academy. The changes are outlined in the tables below:
Workington Academy continues to grow in terms of student numbers. As a result, we have implemented lunchtime sittings to ensure equal access and reduce congestion in the canteen. Students will be expected to spend more time accessing our external areas while they await their allocated lunch slot. Given that students will be spending more time outside during social time, we recommend that they bring a coat with them to school each day. To further accommodate this, we have obtained planning permission to build a large canopy at the rear of the Academy, which will be installed during the Autumn term.
Finally, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to those of you who have donated and continue to donate pre-loved uniforms to us. These items have been invaluable for many families during the current cost-of-living crisis. We will continue to accept these items throughout the academic year. If your child needs a particular item of uniform, including a coat, for the winter months, please ask them to speak to a member of their Year Group Team or the Inclusion Team. Alternatively, you may contact our reception team, who will be happy to assist with any requests, confidentially.
Yours faithfully,
Mr B Hendren
Deputy Headteacher