Dear Parents and Carers,
Year 9 Assessment Period – 9 to 19 January 2024
Early in the new term, Year 9 students will be undertaking assessments in the following subjects:
Week commencing 9 January: French, German, Art and History
Week commencing 16 January: Geography, RPE and Computing
Class teachers will inform students of the exact lesson in which the assessment will take place, and the content which is being assessed. Students will undertake some revision in class and will also be set a homework task on Edu-link to help them prepare for the assessments. They will take place in normal timetabled lessons and each assessment will last approximately 55 minutes.
Students will receive the results of the assessments in lessons. These results will form the basis for teacher judgements in the next report home, which you will receive later in the school year.
Formal assessments in English, Maths and Science will take pace June. Details of these will be sent out nearer the time.
We are very proud of the attendance of the vast majority of our students. We appreciate your support in ensuring your child is in school and making progress. It goes without saying that full attendance during this assessment period is essential. Students should also ensure that they are appropriately equipped for each assessment. This includes a pen, pencil and ruler, as well as a Scientific Calculator for maths and Science assessments.
If you have any questions, please contact me at school.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Sewell
Director of Learning – Year 9