Dear Parent/carer and student,
This upcoming assessment period represents an opportunity to assess how students have started their Key Stage four studies. The tests will cover over a term of hard work focussed on learning new content and completing GCSE level tasks in every subject.
Students are already over a quarter of the way through this Key Stage. Summer term 2025 will be the culmination of five years of effort for all our students, so we have made sure that every subject has provided revision support materials.
These revision support materials are all available on our website here or go to the home page and select ‘Student Support Curriculum’ from under the ‘Parents’ Info’ tab. The password is ‘Workington’ and there is a resource for every subject that will benefit every student.
We will be releasing more revision resources and developing a bespoke revision curriculum to support all students as we begin to build towards our year 10 summer assessments as well. Year 10 students have already been learning about study skills and different ways to revise in form times. If you have any questions about this or any other area linked to these assessments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully,
Barry Simpson
Deputy Headteacher
Abi Horsburgh
Director of Learning