Dear Parent / Carer
Year 9 Progress and Key Stage 4 Evening at Workington Academy 13 March 2024
9ADE, 9JCL, 9NWI and 9SDA.
This event will be taking place in school on the above date. It will be made up of a vitally important presentation about the GCSE and Vocational options that your child will study from September 2024 and how to select them. You will then attend appointments with current teachers to discuss progress in these subjects and to explore the selection of these subjects for September onwards.
The presentation will be available twice during the evening to support parents in being able to attend. You only need to attend one of these presentations. Other staff will also be available throughout the evening to answer any questions.
- Presentation 1 Will run from 3:30pm until 3:55pm in the main hall, parents can then go and start their first appointment at 4pm
- Presentation 2 Will run from 6:05pm until 6:25pm, parents will be able to complete their last appointment and then attend the talk.
The school uses an intuitive and easy to use, online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and upon finalising your bookings you will receive an email confirming your appointments.
Appointments can be made from 4pm on Monday 4 March. Please visit the website at the end of this link
Please have the following information ready to login:
The information, including the email address must match the email that you have registered with us on our school database. If you are having difficulty logging in, or need support in making the appointments, please contact the school via telephone on 01900 873926 or via email at
Please make every effort to attend this Progress and Options Evening, parental engagement is a key factor in ensuring students succeed. Thank you in advance for your continued support which is vital in ensuring that your child continues to ‘be the best they can be’.
Yours sincerely
Mr D Sewell
Director of Learning Year 9