Relaxation of Covid Measures – Letter to Parents – 28 May 2021
After half term we are making some changes to our COVID restrictions for students and staff.
After half term we are making some changes to our COVID restrictions for students and staff.
Please keep an eye out for your Workington Academy Year 7 Welcome Pack that we have posted out to you this week.
All Year 10 students will be sitting formal examinations after the half term break.
Save the Date – Wednesday 16 June – 6.30pm
I would like to inform you about the importance of your child’s upcoming internal exams that are taking place in the week commencing Monday 07 June 2021.
The following information is for students who are not returning to WCSF once they leave us at the end of Year 11.
You are invited to take part in the CET ‘One Big Dance’ Virtual Summer Showcase Event.
Sit back, relax, travel back in time and enjoy what has been a truly emotional journey…
As part of Mental Health awareness week, the students of Workington Academy and West Coast sixth form have created a celebratory garland of pompoms!
As you will be aware, there have been changes to restrictions across England from Monday 17th May due to the Covid-19 pandemic.