A-Level, AS-Level And GCSE Exam Results Day Arrangements
External exam results are available for collection at the following times.
External exam results are available for collection at the following times.
As we approach the penultimate week of this academic year, which is also the CET Be the best you can be week and our own Workington Academy Well-being week, we want to share some information with parents/carers so that you can support your child with getting the most out of this coming week and the events that are taking place.
A huge thank you to our outstanding PE department, who continue to support all our students to be the best they can be.
On Thursday, we said farewell to our fantastic Year 11 students as they embark on their next exciting chapter.
I am delighted to invite you, and members of the wider community, into the Academy as part of our Wellbeing Week offer 2024.
Year 7 athletes from our school have qualified to represent Allerdale in the upcoming Year 7 County Athletics competition.
Over the course of the year, we’ve been collaborating with Mayfield School on an exciting drama project at Workington Academy!
Our Leading Change team met with a variety of stakeholders at our successful roll-out event this week at the Carnegie in Workington.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported our book fair last week!
Our amazing Performing Arts students performed a special teaser of a song from Seussical the Musical at Cumbria Education Trust’s Annual Governance Conference.