Year 7: Christmas Radio Pantomime
The Year 7 Workington Academy Radio team share their Christmas Pantomime.
The Year 7 Workington Academy Radio team share their Christmas Pantomime.
On Friday, 7 December, Daniel Bell, April Mossop, Danielle Hayton and Matthew Glover from Workington Academy’s year 12 took part in the Senior Maths Team Challenge at Caldew School, Dalston.
The Year 7 Workington Academy Radio team share their Christmas facts.
As the end of term approaches, it is always an opportunity to look back upon the progress that the Academy has made during that time.
Yesterday, at St John’s Church, we held our annual Christmas Carol Service. All students who were involved were amazing.
At Cumbria Education Trust (CET) we are always looking for ways to improve. In order to do this, we know that it is essential that we receive feedback from all of our stakeholders – you, our staff and our students.
This week, Year 7 have received the books they chose from this year’s Bookbuzz reading programme.
During break-time on Friday, Emma Shervinton lead a group of her peers in the organisation of a charity cake sale.
Almost 500 Year 11 students from across Cumbria Education Trust’s (CET’s) secondary schools and academies were brought together for the trust’s first ever Year 11 Revision Conference in preparation for the summer 2019 exams.
Last half term we celebrated the success of our current Year 9 and Year 10 students for their achievements last year.