CET Year 11 Revision Day
We are delighted that this year we are able to offer an additional support day for all Year 11 students focusing on revision and exam preparation.
We are delighted that this year we are able to offer an additional support day for all Year 11 students focusing on revision and exam preparation.
Recently we welcomed 340 Year 6 students to Workington Academy for our spectacular Under the Sea Day. Children from seven of our feeder schools joined together to enjoy a day of English and Drama activities.
On Friday 28 September, Workington Academy students and staff participated in our biggest Macmillan Coffee Morning yet.
We celebrated the successes of our current Year 8 students for their achievements throughout Year 7, in their first academic year at Workington Academy.
On Tuesday a group of students from years 10 to 13 travelled to the University of Cumbria to explore a range of careers related to the emergency services.
Next Week’s Sports Fixtures and Practices
During the summer holidays, some of our students were lucky enough to experience a trip of a lifetime by taking part in a World Challenge Expedition to Swaziland in Southern Africa.
Workington Academy would like to congratulate all Y11 students who have received their GCSE results today.
This year, year 11s sitting GCSEs in the summer term 2018 were the first group to sit the new GCSEs in a range of subjects, following the introduction of new GCSEs in English and maths in 2017.
We would like to congratulate all our Y13 students for their hard work and commitment over the last seven years.