Building Society Design a Pig Competition Winners
Schools within Cumbria Education Trust and The Cumberland Building Society worked collaboratively on a competition to create a new logo design.
Schools within Cumbria Education Trust and The Cumberland Building Society worked collaboratively on a competition to create a new logo design.
On Wednesday 28th June 2017, the English department at Workington Academy was transformed into Mount Olympus.
The Workington Academy Student Leadership Team met with the Senior Leadership Team on Wednesday morning for a business breakfast.
Having been picked in November to be a mascot for Wigan Warriors, Mitchell in year 8 finally got his big day on Sunday.
On Friday 30 June, Workington Academy remembered the life and work of Jo Cox by holding our own Great Get Together.
We would like your views on our proposal to change the finish time of the school day from September 2017.
Yesterday, 20 Year 9 boys, visited the University of Cumbria in Carlisle.
With the GCSE exams well underway, I am writing to update you about when students are expected to be in school.
Time is very precious now and we want to ensure that our students have every opportunity to work closely with teaching staff to prepare as thoroughly as possible for the examinations. Therefore there will be a programme of revision sessions running during half-term.
Linda Hewitt, Chief Executive of Hospice at Home West Cumbria, spoke to all of our Year 12 tutor groups this week to help in their research for the £30 for 30 Challenge.