Workington Academy is an 11-18 mixed academy. The main principle of admission to Workington Academy is to provide a welcoming, safe and supportive learning environment that meets the needs of young persons within the 11-18 age range, who live in Workington and the surrounding area.

The school will endeavour to provide places for students who wish to attend the Academy, provided they can be accommodated within the scope of this policy.

Workington Academy participates in the Local Authority co-ordinated scheme. You can contact the local authority or visit their website for more information.

Information on how to apply for a place at Workington Academy can be found below but if you require support, please email us at

Year 7 admissions September 2025

The deadline for applications for Year 7 admissions for September 2025 closes on 31 October 2024. If you need to speak to anyone about an application please contact the Admissions Team at Cumberland Council on 01228 221582 or by email at

On 1 March 2025 Cumberland Council will send you an email (if you applied online) or post a letter to the address you have given them (if you have applied on a paper form). The email or letter will tell you whether your child has been allocated a place at Workington Academy. If you have been unsuccessful, Cumberland Council will also explain what you must do next. Should you wish to pursue a school place via the appeals process, you must contact the Academy for a ‘Notice of Appeal Form’. The timetable for the appeal hearings is as follows:

1 March 2025 Parents and carers will be notified of their child’s allocated school.
March 2025 Parents and carers should notify the school of their intention to appeal and request a Notice of Appeal form.   The completed Notice of Appeal form should be submitted to the Clerk to the Independent Admission Appeals Panel, Workington Academy, Stainburn Road, Workington CA14 4EB
28 March 2025 Deadline for lodging appeals with the school.
23 May 2025 Deadline for the Admission Authority (Workington Academy) to provide the Clerk with a statement giving reasons for the decision to refuse admission2.
23 May 2025 Deadline for appellants to submit further evidence not included with initial appeal.
13 June 2025 Latest date for appeal hearings.
20 June 2025 Appellants to receive notification of the Panel’s decision

In year admissions

Should you wish to apply for a place at Workington Academy outside the main Year 7 intake please complete the In year admission form and send it to

We will respond to all in-year admission applications within 15 school days of the application being received. In the interest of collaborative working and student tracking the outcome of all in-year applications will be shared with the Local Authority Admissions Team within 2 school days of our response.