At Workington Academy British Values are reinforced regularly and are often seen as personal values and consideration is often given as to whether some values should have a global staging.


At Workington Academy, students are given opportunities to discuss and share their views on a wide range of issues. This is done with respect and responsibility and high value is placed on listening to and the acceptance of other viewpoints. This may be, as part of a debate in a geography lesson, when talking about issues during a personal development lesson, or during in tutor time activities or in assembly, or when students further their knowledge and understanding about democracy in history lessons.

Student voice is important to us. Students are encouraged to express their opinions through surveys. We have a Student Suggestion Box a requested by the School Council, and Curriculum Leaders are encouraged to gather feedback from students as part of their monitoring of the curriculum. Students also have opportunities to vote when electing Form Reps and School Council Reps. We actively support the Youth Parliament campaign and voting process.

Rule of law

Most students will be able to explain our core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. We have high expectations and students learn about the importance of rules and laws both in and out of the classroom. The behaviour policy and adherence to it is reinforced at the start of every term, in tutor time, through lessons and in all classes.

We are fortunate to have a close relationship with the local police who visit the academy and deliver assemblies and lessons to KS3. This enhances the learning of the importance of the rule of law.

Individual liberty

We value individual liberty and equality. Inclusion is at the heart of all that we do and we will use worldwide examples in pastoral time to highlight injustices and examples of when people have lost their liberty, through events such as Holocaust Memorial Day. Whilst students are often encouraged to make their own choices there is always guidance and encouragement, for example when choosing KS4 or KS5 pathways.

Mutual respect

Respect is one of our core expectations and as such mutual respect is at the heart of the academy’s values. All members of the academy students, staff parents and visitors are expected to behave respectfully at all times. At the academy we celebrate diversity and encourage students to develop their awareness of people’s differences and similarities.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Our RE curriculum develops understanding, broad-mindedness and a respectful knowledge of other religions and faiths and indeed tolerance of all individuals and groups of individuals. Students from a minority religious background are allowed to practise their customs in school. We celebrate a variety of religious festivals in the dining room and bias, racism or prejudice of any sort is never tolerated. Great emphasis is placed on acceptance and celebration. Students are educated and staff are vigilant about the dangers of extremism and radicalisation and distinctions are always made between people of different faiths and beliefs and those with intemperate views.